Saturday, July 31, 2010

WARNING: Water Can be Hot

So today I learned that water can get hot.  Like really hot, hot enough to give you second degree burns when you accidentally spill it on yourself.  I also found out that when this happens, it's a really great motivator to rip off all my clothes and get in the shower with some really cold water.  On the up-side I've been waited on by my (wonderful) boyfriend, he's brought me dinner, ice cream, tissues and blankets, which have made me feel worlds better (even though the giant blister and even bigger burn marks are still rather painful).  Back on the downside, I believe that the left side of my body is out to get the right.  Why would I think that you say? Well my right side is first of all the side of my body that got shingles. Secondly during the pit fire a piece of debris flew up and hit my arm and caused a nasty burn mark which is still healing.  Then while baking a turkey I burned my forearm reaching in to baste the turkey.  All of this has happened on my right side.  I think that my left side is getting pissed off by the fact that my right side has all ways been considered "dominant".  But this is just my theory...


  1. I agree. I suggest that you have your sides talk about their insecurities and have this problem settled. I shutter to think of what might happen to your left side next. :'(

  2. ha ha well right now, lefty seems to be winning, but right might actually get up enough balls to retaliate... ;) actually...I hope not, I don't want no balls >.<
