Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oy Vey

So I'll start with the bad news. This morning was probably one of the worst mornings I've had in awhile... First off, I have my period which is generally a good sign for bad things.  Secondly because of my first issue I also have a cold...and an iky mean one at that; I haven't been able to taste, smell, or do anything the last three days because all I've wanted to do is sleep.  Then this morning I get a ticket for speeding...awesome.  So I currently find my self engrossed in used Puffs with Vicks (which has got to be the single most wonderful substance on earth,well... besides Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide, and Shark Week) watching re-runs of House, mentally rolling around in self pity. 

I've probably lead you to believe that there is also good news, since normally when people say "I'll start with the bad news" they follow with good news to make us think that everything in this world is balanced because when something bad happens something good must follow (a technique House uses, but normally filled with sarcasm or passive aggressive truth so in the end there really is no good news). So; now for the okay news...  This past weekend a few friends and I got together to do a pit fire. We had good times, some yummy food and lots of rain. After the first night we ran out of wood, and even though I spent a good part of the week making pieces for the fire, we are sure that most everything was broken.  I say that, not actually knowing because by the time I had to leave the pit was still too hot.  Bellow are some serious photos of the loading process, the firing process, and the still too hot process with some evidencce of broken pots in the bottom right hand corner.

Now with that last bit you may be thinking I'm a pessimist, and you'd only be half right...I consider myself a realist, so there is actually some good news! Yesterday I got my new paint brushes! I had to order all new ones because someone stole all of my brushes and paints this last school year (I hope where ever that person is all their paintings turn out bad and none of their colors mix right, which probably won't happen seeing has most of my paints where Gamblin which are renowned for being great paints...because they are) Soon I'll be getting my new paints...that is if I can afford them after my ticket...

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