Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Little Off Topic I Think

Day two of project blog-a-day, and I am finding it necessary to talk about one of my very favorite things, cats.  I love cats, I can't wait to be deemed the crazy cat lady.  So you are probably wondering why I have two pictures of dogs on this post, right? That would be because currently I have two dogs, which I am allergic to.  Which is unfortunate because even though my Westie (Kimchee) and Beagle (July) are over weight brats that make me sneeze... a lot, I love them dearly.  Now don't get me wrong I do love dogs too. I have dreams of one day owning an Irish Wolfhound or an Australian Cattle dog, yet still I need the kitty in my life.

Clearly I'm a girl who knows what she wants; That being said you would think I know exactly what cat breed I would want...but I don't.  I suppose most people these days don't really think about cats having "breeds" because well, they are mysterious creatures filled with independence and sass. I will tell you that there are many breeds, and moods of cats. Some that will give you the "Sassy, I do what I please" attitude, but not all of them. 

For example there is the Burmese (a breed I wouldn't mind, except for their stubby noses) which is a cat who is known for always wanting to be with their people companions, even enjoying car rides if gotten used to it at an early age! As cute as they are, they are a hefty breed, that have been most frequently described as "bricks wrapped in silk". 

Now my next breed, one that I've had my eyes on for awhile.  The Devon Rex; A more recent breed arriving in the early 60's in Devonshire England.  The remarkable thing about this breed is that it has a curly coat, though it may look like it has no hair from first glance.  Because of their shorter coat some people with allergies (like myself) can more easily handle the cat, but every person is different and should give themselves a little time with the cat before bringing it into their home permanently.  This cat is knows for being active, and have been described as being cat/monkeys.  They will get into just about any space, or thing for that matter.  They are people cats and are also known for being affectionate and loving being perched on your shoulder 

A similar cat is the Sphynx, a cat made famous by Dr. Evil (if you don't know who this is, get off of my blog, or google it ASAP) This is a cat that is actually hairless! Even more weird was that the breed originated from Canada! Eh! This is a wonderful cat that loves the spot-light, and who would have guessed, but also their human companions! They also make great heaters, since they have no fur, their body heat can be felt directly. Even though you may think that this cat won't hold up in colder climates, you'd be wrong. After all what do you do when you get cold? Find something warm to snuggle up to, right? Well this cat will do the same, whither its you, another family pet or right under your blankets, it will take care of itself.  Besides aren't we all naked under our clothes?

So what's with the ugly cats you're saying? First off I think they are beautiful and elegant, but each to his own.  So I will resist the urge to move on to the Cornish Rex and instead talk about the lustrous Mau.  The Mau is one of the most ancient breeds, appearing in ancient Egyptian paintings in the pyramids.  It is also the only domesticated breeds that has naturally occurring spots.  The Mau is known for being a loyal relaxed cat.  By saying relaxed I don't want you to get confused with lazy, because this cat is also one of the fastest of the domestic breeds being able to run upwards of 30 mph.  Not only is it fast, but it's also a very intelligent breed, but what cat isn't?

Lastly I will talk about the Savannah.  Technically speaking the Savannah is a cross between a domesticated cat and a Serval (a wild African cat).  They where however accepted by the International Cat Association in 2001.  These cats are truly amazing, they are known for being able to jump to 8 feet from a stand still! They are also an incredibly smart and curious so they WILL get into your cupboards.  You'd think with their close association with a wild cat that it might have difficulties adjusting socialy to life with people; but no! They love being around people, in fact they can be taught to walk on leashes and play catch.  Also they are a rather large cat, being about the size of a medium dog (which some say they act a lot like) and weight anywhere between 10-15 lbs.  So why not go out and get one now? First off they are expensive, and finding a breeder well good luck.  But besides that they are actually illegal in some states in the US (Massachusetts, Hawaii and Georgia), and only under certain circumstances in other states like New York, where they can't be owned in the City, but in the rest of the state if it is 5 generations from the wild cat you are fine. 

So what cat am I going for?  Well I definitely am leaning towards the Savannah, but a toss up between the Sphynx and Devon Rex would work for me.  Now to get my own place without a terrier or hound dog...


  1. This is your friend Tina, the most awesome person in the world because I read your blog about cats. Lol. You picked some great breeds! The Mau is gorgeous and I always thought the Devon Rex was really interesting because of the curly hair. Personally though, despite the breed, I think its the one you fall in love with first when you first set eyes on their cute selves that seals the deal. :)

  2. Tina, I have to tell you that you are probably one of my favorite people, for many reasons. You are the first person to comment on my blog which means that you are actually my favorite person on the planet and I owe you a giant hug, because you are very special!

    I think the Devon is definitely my favorite(though the Savannah is quickly growing a place in my heart) and not to mention that they are known for being better for allergy sufferers (like my self) but honestly any cat at this point (at least one that is domesticated) I would take, I want a kitty so bad! ahh!

  3. I'm glad that I could make your day. :) And I definitely agree. You need a cat; I would never be able to live without either of mine.
