Monday, July 12, 2010

Self Portraits

These two self-portraits where done my freshman year in college. The bottom picture was an assignment, which was an allegorical self-portrait, at the time I was focused on unsureness and time as a theme and decided to do another piece based off of the one I did for school. Currently I'm not interested in that particular theme; though the idea of time is still something I find intriguing. When it comes to self portraits now I find my self more interested in the idea of a "self-portrait" done of someone else. The idea that the viewer can not know if a self portrait is actually a self portrait, or how an artist may elude to the fact that when a viewer is looking at the "self-portrait" that may not be the actual person. I feel there are a lot of ideals that can come from this theme. Concepts questioning if we really know who we are, what our place is in the world etc...( the answer is obviously 42, but that is a topic for another day) These all being questions I not only ask my self, but that I ask my work, and hope that my viewer will ask too.

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