Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Letchworth State Park

Letchworth State Park is such a beautiful place! All these pictures where taken on a trip with a Rochester photo group and boy was it a beautiful day. I was using a Canon Power-shot and although they where good pictures most of them I touched up in photoshop. I always feel guilty using photoshop to edit images because I feel that if you are showing them just as the image its self that you should have just taken an amazing photo to begin with. Not that that is so easy to do, which is where I think the line is drawn between amateurs and professionals; somehow I feel these days there are more professional amateurs than professional professionals. That is people with really nice cameras taking "nice" pictures and editing the crap out of them until they look professional. Maybe I just don't know enough about photography, but perhaps with all those expensive camera's out there if you're willing to pay that much for one you just get to slap a "I'm a Photographer, and I always take awesome pictures with my awesome camera" sticker on your chest so everyone knows to "OOoohhh" and "Ahhhhhh" at your pictures. ANYWAYS...I've done exactly what I hate most about photography today and edited most of these using tools like "exposure", "brightness/contrast" and "selective color" on photoshop. So maybe these days the real photographers and artists are the people who scripted Photoshop. That being said...these images brought to you by Photoshop personnel in the hands of an amateur photographer.

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