Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rushing to my Head

Initially upon being assigned this project, I was unsure of how to approach it. Viewing the selected inspired works for the project I decided to choose something moderately up-surd to "collect" and create my sculpture from.

I chose dust. Now came the hard part... how was I going to form this dust into the likeness of myself, and a little bird-y suggested that I make a packaging tape form mold of my head, I had seen the process done many a time by peers but had never made one myself.

As the process continued, after collecting my dust, and making the tape mold I needed to find some way to seal the dust in. Originally I was just going to use hot glue, but discovered the wax station and began to experiment.

The end result I believe is successful, but has caused a sort of conundrum with in me. When looking at it I feel it has the potential for a deeper conceptual feeling. I can find connections to the piece. There are feelings and expressions within me that are conceptually realized by this piece, but the question I am now asking myself is, can I actually call upon these stoic after thoughts? Is it okay for me to say this piece is representational of something it wasn't created to express?

Hence these thoughts have left me with two titles. The first of which being Rushing to my Head, though I do feel that if I were to display it as such I would also require an artist statement to properly depict my thoughts of the work. On the other hand the second title is true a depiction of what it is, an Untitled Experimentation. I feel more inclined towards the second because I have found that I feel art should be displayed for what it is in essence. I generally prefer to leave my work untitled because I want the viewer to take the work as they see it. After all what does the work become when the artist is not present to defend it? Do my ideas of it matter at all, I would say they do if it was created with an intention, but seeing as this wasn't; Where does that leave me the artist, and the titlist?

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