Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Art of being in School

Week one of being back at Alfred University. I've started realizing already that maybe taking three studios is going to be... difficult.  Despite the dreary outlook I'm looking forward to stressful days, scheduled weeks, sleepless nights and early mornings.  Why would any one look forward to that kind of life? Well who can resist exploring yourself in physical forms?  I've already decided on trying something completely new in painting, I'm going to be as silly as possible, moustaches and disproportionate faces and bodies perhaps complimented by grotesque nightmarish images of corpses and monsters? Who knows what I will make besides the work itself.  Then there is the simple hope and dream that at the end of the semester I will be a competent potter, a crafts(wo)man, a learned hippy...who is right now a clay covered mess, with little direction and only has a learners permit for pottery.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Have you seen my xiphoid process?

Imagine drawing this at 8 in the morning on the first day of your...Abstraction class? That's right, first day of my Observation to Abstraction class we had to draw a to-scale drawing of the back from neck to hip. I'm surprised to say that it was actually easy (for that time of the morning).  What was really funny was the fact the my professor (Kevin Wixted) came over, said my clavicle was too long. I disagreed, so he measured was perfect.  From this drawing we of course had to make abstractions from the drawing (It being an "observation" to "abstraction" class after all) which was fun, and led to some interesting things.  I will post those drawing eventually, but as you can probably see this image is bad enough, the others are worse.  So as soon as I have a better lighting set up, new pictures will replace this one.

Monday, August 2, 2010


So I know I was gonna blog a day, and yesterday I definitely missed; In my defense I was really busy and  I had an idea for a blog but...well I just got side tracked...  Any way I'm on a new completely clean the house, this week.  I'm going to go through every box I can find and get rid of as much junk as I can! One reason being that I just want to help out and get the house cleaned...but another being that Marcus (my boyfriend) and I are thinking of getting a cat! Now as much as I would like to say we will be getting one of those amazing cat breeds I talked about a few blogs ago...we won't be. But that's okay because we are planning on getting a rescue cat from a local humane society.  Any way just taking a break from the household grind, and the boxes are calling me...