Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ideas In Progress

It's been quite awhile but I promise I'm working! This is some new work that, with any luck, will help me produce my senior show!  Which is coming up VERY soon, May 5 to be exact and to be honest I don't know if I will be ready, but I'm sure I can pull it off!

          The work is focusing on functional perspectives.  It is about altering your views towards what a handle a saucer and a foot is, on a functional object, and from there the work dictates how you use it or how you interact with it.  All of the objects are based on traditional tea forms from many cultures, then through the creative process are simplified and modernized in form and color palette.   Display is also important to the work, everything is on tables or shelves, set up as if the Mad Hatter (in his right mind) set the table. (* be honest I don't know what its gonna be set up as, that is one option. But you'll just have to come to my show to find out!)