Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Empty Room

This is my most recent study of work. I am dealing with the conceptual ideas behind empty rooms, and different ways that symbolism can be used as well as how the room/space is addressed. All paintings are at least 20x30 if not larger. Paintings done in oil paint. The series is still in the process, and will hopefully be able to add more work to it soon.

Still Life

Selected still life drawings from Freshman year in college. We drew boxes, white boxes, colored boxes, and boxes with fabric and despite the...redundant subject matter these two drawings I feel came out rather well. I most definitely learned a lot from them.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Landscapes and Pathways

Work is shown from closure of series at the top and begin at the bottom. The work is a study of emotions evoked from a simple subject matter, landscapes. Some of the paintings are inspired by actual places, some from dreams, and some right from my mind. They are also an experiment of expressing repressed unsure emotions in a more conceptual format. Series done in acrylic paint, sizes ranging from 9x13 to the final three paintings being 20x60, 3'x4', and the three panel being 10'x40".

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beginning with the Old

Painting done for a color theory class in early 2009. The project goal was to pick a classic painting from a list of given artists and recreate it as close as possible(in respect to color). I picked Caravaggio's St. Jerome Writing(on top). For the project we were also only allowed to use three primary colors from either the masters or modern palette (Burnt sienna, Yellow ochre, Cobalt blue/Cadmium red, Cadmium yellow, Ultramarine blue) no white or premixed blacks were allotted. A week was given to complete the assignment.
To Be Continued...