Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thesis Show; Alfred University 2012

This work maybe from a long while ago, but it looks like I've got more than a little catching up to do!

Artist Statement:
My work originates from functional cultural objects, and the process of molding a historical form into another.  My research of western and eastern cultures, thrown sketches and drawings conjure notions of tea, coffee, cookies, and sorbets.  These objects of life are transformed and redefine functional expectations.  Striving to enhance the experience of these modern "historical" objects.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ideas In Progress

It's been quite awhile but I promise I'm working! This is some new work that, with any luck, will help me produce my senior show!  Which is coming up VERY soon, May 5 to be exact and to be honest I don't know if I will be ready, but I'm sure I can pull it off!

          The work is focusing on functional perspectives.  It is about altering your views towards what a handle a saucer and a foot is, on a functional object, and from there the work dictates how you use it or how you interact with it.  All of the objects are based on traditional tea forms from many cultures, then through the creative process are simplified and modernized in form and color palette.   Display is also important to the work, everything is on tables or shelves, set up as if the Mad Hatter (in his right mind) set the table. (*maybe...to be honest I don't know what its gonna be set up as, that is one option. But you'll just have to come to my show to find out!)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sin Ying Ho

Ceramic sculptural artist Sin-Ying Ho creates work focusing on the issue of the contemporary global culture. What is most important to her is the collaboration of opposing global ideals and cultures, mixing images of new vs. old, economy vs. power, communication vs. language and using these opposing forces with icons as the universal language within our global village.
She uses her work as a projection of herself, to a degree. Native of China but growing up in the western world, she went to Nova Scotia College of Art and Design for her BFA. From there she was able to participate in an off campus study program to Jingdezhen, which is where her current work began. She recently was the subject of a documentary called Meeting Places, which also happens to be the title of the body of work explored in the production. Her most current work is titled Eden which uses Adam and Eve as silhouettes of contemporary global iconic languages; Using such “imagery language” as binary, motherboard patterns, and commercial icons (Starbucks and Nike labels). She then juxtaposes this language with Eden, spectacularly painted in the traditional blue white ware style, but including twists and splashes of color.

Link to site/video preview: http://www.sinyingho.com/video_documentary

Friday, August 26, 2011

Best laid plans...

Or that seems to be what this summer has been.  Lots of postulating, getting ready for, but never seeming to go where I want to be getting.  Though lots of things haven't gone the way that I'd hoped for; I have hopes that this next year (as in school) will bring a new wind, a great direction, which I am afraid to say, I'm in desperate need for.  But as they say, where there's a will, there's a way, and I'm sure I will find mine (even if it doesn't feel like that is even possible in the moment). Even amongst the brambles of the summer I still have found lessons learned, growing pains to be had, I little slice of humble pie and maybe even a silver lining.
               For those of you listening-
                          Thank you and goodnight~